Insect O. and the29nov films will take you on an audio-visual journey. The A/V show will be presented at DAVE festival’s Light Stage on Oct 15th 2016.
DAVE Festival 2016
Light Stage
pole (pole, Berlin) – live concert
Julien Bayle pres. Alpha (SHAPE artist 2016, Frankreich) – live A/V
Insect O. + the29nov films (Etui Records / Killekill, Dresden / Berlin) – live A/V
Scherbe + Flumea (Uncanny Valley / DAVE, Dresden) – live A/V
Plastic Jazz Orchestra + Konrad Behr (Weimar) – live A/V
Saturday, October 15th 2016
doors open from 7.00 pm
shows start at 8.00 pm
Gothaer Str. 12
01097 Dresden
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